My Top Five Thanksgiving Sides
There is nothing like some good ole’ Thanksgiving sides. Yes, we love turkey with some delicious stuffing and the typical mash potatoes and gravy, but when you take your Thanksgiving…
I Am Thankful for Family, Food, and Friends
Giving God thanks for the BIG THREE F’s in my life: FOOD, FRIENDS, and FAMILY Another day and another opportunity to say thank you, Jesus! On this blessed Sunday Morning…
Be Kind One to Another
In honor of #NationalKindessDay Let’s be kind one to another especially during these trying times. Let us never forget to treat each other with respect. Let us never forget that…
It’s My Birthday: A Time of Reflection and Revelation
I’m not the type of person who throws or advocates for a big birthday bash; I didn’t grow up like that. However, with every birthday, I always reflect. I look…
I am Thankful for Life
Giving Thanks in the season of Thanksgiving Only 20 days until Thanksgiving, and I already taste the turkey on my lips. The holidays are always my favorite time of the…