Five Reasons Why You Should Join a Bible Challenge

Join the 1 Year Bible Challenge

Raise your hands if you’ve read the Bible in its entirety. Raise your hands if you had intentions of reading the Bible in its entirety and somehow stopped at Exodus and never looked back. HAHA!!


It can be hard to read all 66 books, but with hard work, discipline, and dedication, you can succeed. Every year Bible scholars, Christian influencers, Preachers, Pastors, and Spiritual leaders encourage Christians and non-Christians to join in on the Bible Challenge where you read the entire Bible in 1 year. 


It seems daunting at first, but it is impossible, and this year you and I will DO IT! One of the things I realized in quarantine is the amount of richness the word of God holds. I was grateful that I had time to read, and as my eyes read page by page, my soul was renewed. 


You might have started this before and failed miserably, but you cannot give up. The Bible challenge isn’t just about feeling accomplished because you read all 66 books; it’s so much more than that. 

Top Five Reasons to Participate in the 2021 Bible Challenge


  1. How can you serve someone you don’t know? Learn more about Jesus! 

Who is God? Who is Jesus? What’s our history? One of the primary key points I hammer into my junior choir members is, ” You can’t sing about somebody you don’t know.” When you read God’s word, you find out who God is. God already knows who we are; He wants us to know who He is. Jeremiah said before He was even formed in his mother’s womb, God knew Him. You can’t say you’re a Christian but cannot share anything about God other than the basics (heals, saves, loves us, etc.). When we know God, we know our history and who He calls us to be. Who defends somebody they don’t know? No one! Get to know the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. You can’t praise Him and not know that He can part the red sea. You can’t praise Him and not know that David was considered a man after God’s own heart. By reading God’s word, you know who you serve and what He can do for you. 

(Jeremiah 1:5 KJV)


2. Closer to God


When you read your Bible, you are setting aside time to spend with God. You will find how much more closer you become with God, and He will begin to open your eyes and show things you’ve never seen before. There’s a song that says, “Closer than a brother, my Jesus is to me. He’s my dearest friend. He’s everything I need”____ Jesus calls us friends, and when we take time out of our day to spend with our Friend Jesus, our cups are full and running over. We went in tired, and now we are overjoyed, and the peace of God rest on us. As you get closer to the Lord, His presence engulfs your room, and you’ll find how much better your day is just because you took 10 minutes to read the word of God. 


3. The Word of God Convicts; God speaks through His word 


This is the part people don’t always like, but the Bible was not written to make us feel better. Let’s recap! When you read the Bible, you :


  • Get to know who God is 
  • Become closer to God. Your walk with Christ becomes stronger. 


The word of God is truth, and truth cannot be destroyed. The truth hurts. It stings deep sometimes, but guess what, it’s the truth. The Bible wasn’t written to make us feel good all the time; it’s here to help us live this Christian life victoriously. It’s our sword. As you read, you begin to realize that there are things in your life that do not line up with the word of God. God begins to open your eyes, and it causes you and I to reflect. The Bible teaches us how to live according to scripture. The Bible teaches us the importance of giving. The Bible convicts us when we want to straddle the fence between the world and God. While reading the Bible, the Holy Spirit will speak to you through His word. That’s why some people only stick to certain books in the Bible because they don’t want to read the truth. However, the word of God says in Proverbs 3: 11-12, “My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord; neither be weary of his correction: For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.” Don’t grow weary of correction. God loves us, and He desires for us to turn to Him and serve Him with all our heart. 


4. It’s your sword! 


Who goes into battle without their weapon of choice? The scripture says in Ephesians 6:17, the word of God is the sword of truth. We need the word of God to defeat the enemy. We need the word of God to overcome trials and tribulations in our life. When we have our sword, we can utilize it, and most of all, we win! A soldier doesn’t leave without his gun, so I’m not leaving my sword behind when the battle is hot. How do you utilize your sword in war? By speaking the word over your life. By speaking the word of God in your situation. Jesus used the word of God when the Devil tried to tempt Him. Jesus said it is written; if He did not have the sword, He would not have been able to say those words. King David said in Psalm 119:11, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee”___ we need to hide the word of God in our hearts so we will be able to stand in battle. 


5. For the last days; don’t wait until it’s too late


When they take away our Bibles, all we’ll have is the word of God hid in our hearts. When they burn our Bibles and tribulation begins, knowing the word of God will help sustain and keep us. Don’t wait until it’s too late to get to know the Father. Start today!

Participating in a Bible challenge is a great way to grow spiritually, and it’s an excellent opportunity to go higher in God. 


Is it going to take discipline? Yes, it will. It’s not natural to us to want to read the Bible. But if your heart is in the right place, and you have a burning desire to excel in God, then it’s possible. 


Start right now! Start today and get to know Jesus. I promise you won’t regret it.  


Five Reasons Why You Should Join a Bible Challenge