God is our Shepherd and Eternal Guardian

Psalm 23:1

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.”

A simple passage of scripture we know. Saved or unsaved everyone knows Psalm 23:1. But do we truly understanding the meaning of the scripture.

We’ve rehearsed this scripture so many times we tend to the class it in a box. We recite it during a period of mourning or loss. We recite it when someone is nearing death. We say it when we are fearful and afraid. We speak it when we don’t have any other scripture to say.

But are we really understanding the power of Psalm 23:1 .

The scripture says “The Lord is”, not maybe or will be or should be but is. Meaning God is the only one and he is THE one. God is the final and the only source.

The scripture continues “my shepherd”. A shepherd is a person who tends, guides, and protects sheep. They keep watch over their flock and ensure each one is accounted for.

God is our tender keeper, our watcher, protecter, and guide. He ensures we are all accounted for. It’s personal because he belongs to us. He is My Shepherd! Meaning belonging to me.

The scripture continues “ I shall not want”.

Because he belongs to me anything I need I go to my shepherd. I ask him and he will provide it for me. If I am weak he will make me strong. If I am tired he will find place for me to rest. If I am sad he will comfort me.

Anything I need he will provide.

So here is your Monday Motivation. God is our only source and he is our shepherd. Let’s not class the word of God and put limits on its use. Psalm 23:1 is powerful because it’s reminding us that we have eternal guardian watching over us day and night. Whether you are at school or work whatever you need you have a shepherd. He will leave the 99 to find the one that is lost. He is gentle, he is kind and he loves us. So when the enemy comes in like a flood to deter our minds , speak the word with Psalm 23:1 “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.”

Know God is there and he can supply all our needs. He is our friend and will be with us even unto the end.

God is our Shepherd and Eternal Guardian