What Does It Mean To Lead?

What does it mean to lead? What does it mean to be a leader? According to Dictionary.com, to lead means to go before or to show the way; conduct or escort. You act as a guide. A leader is responsible for a person or persons. They command a troop or an army if they are going into combat. If you are in the music sector, you lead your singers and musicians in the sound you desire. To be a leader is an important position.

The presidents of world governments are leaders. CEO’s, COO’s, managers, and supervisors are leaders in their respective positions. Many roles require you to be a leader, but what does it mean to be a leader? The bible says in

2 Samuel 23:3
"He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God."

As I was meditating on this verse, I began to realize many seek the position of power, forgetting they must lead. Many want to be leaders but have no desire to lead. They want the titles and accolades that come with being a leader but effectively lead their lambs to slaughter.

To be a leader, you must be just. Just means to be fair, guided by truth, to give justice based on right or wrong. To be just is to be wise. Solomon prayed for wisdom to lead the people correctly. Not only must you be just, but you must fear the Lord. Fearing the Lord has nothing to do with being afraid of God but rather respect and reverence unto the Lord. As a leader, we must have respect, reverence, and recognition of who God is. We cannot think we are more significant or superior to God because he created us.

So, to be a leader means to be fair, guided by truth, to give justice based on facts, and most importantly, to have reverence and respect to God.

Being a leader is not about power, but it is about leaving the 99 to rescue the one. To be a leader is to serve just like Jesus, but hey, that’s another topic for another day.

What Does It Mean To Lead?