Have Hope in God
Romans 8: 24-25
“24 For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?
25 But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.”
Think back to when you first said yes to Jesus. Did you know what would happen after you said yes to the savior? When I first said yes to Christ I did not think about tomorrow because I had this hope and reassurance that because I said yes everything would be alright.
But there were moments and still are moments where I feel stuck. Stuck in one space, immobilize. I begin to question myself and long for this “life” I see all the great Instagrammer’s living. I get down within myself and feel defeated because I am not where I want to be.
But the scripture reminded me last night while songwriting that by hope we are saved. When I committed my life to Christ, I didn’t worry about tomorrow or next week. I believed with all my heart that my God would protect me and open doors I had not yet seen. I had hope in the unknown and the unforeseen but I knew God held my future.
We cannot have true hope by seeing sometimes we have to jump first believing and knowing he will catch us with his strong-arm.
Humans have hope. It’s what keeps us from dying. Our hope aligned with our faith gives us the energy we need to push on. Because of hope we continue to strive to achieve goals that seem unattainable until we attain them.
Look at this way—we believe God is with us even though we cannot see him. We have this hope he will catch us if we fall or protect us from any evil that may beset us. No man has seen God but we know he is there.
Have patience, my friends. Wait on God and believe in the impossible because with God all things are possible. You might feel like your life is going in circles or repeating its same routine. You might feel like giving in and throwing the foundational stones you built back in the water but have hope. Align your hope with faith and believe in things not yet seen. Wait on God, wait on God.
Blessing & Prosperity
Stacyann Nathan