According to the Epa.gov, we as humans take approximately 17,000-20,000 breathes per day. Without breathing the blood that runs through our veins won’t flow and our remaining functions will cease to exist. Very dramatic, I know, but the point I am making is breathing is vital to our living. Without the lungs doing its job day in and day out our remaining organs would struggle to work. Meaning, breathing and having the ability to breathe is important.

If you’ve ever experienced a panic or anxiety attack you’ll understand the importance of breathing. Symptoms often begin with shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, fear, and chest pains. Once the attack is in full effect the fear magnifies. You begin to think , ” Am I going to live?” But did you know one of the first ways to combat panic or anxiety attacks is breathing! Taking deep slow breathes will reduce the hyperventilation during your attack. By focusing your breathes by counting while trying to control your breathing will begin to help your body back to normality.

Breathing is vital. It is important to our everyday living. Learn to take a few seconds each day and breathe, slowly, deeply, and peacefully. Don’t let the mountains you’re facing block you from seeing the beautiful views that await you. Breathe and put your mind at ease. Breathe and relax your heart. Breathe and take time to appreciate YOU! Breathe and remember you have a God who can and who will do it again.

The scripture reminds us in Psalm 23:1

"The Lord is my Sheperd ; I shall not want."

We are also reminded in Matthew 11:28 to come all ye are who are weary and heavy laden and he will give us rest. In 1 Peter 5:7 we can cast our cares on the Lord because he cares about us. We are his children!

So breathe. You don’t have to bear it alone. Breathe and live.