Tip of the Day: Make Sure, You Are Ok Before You Extend Your Hand To Help. Disease Travels.

In the movie Contagion, Gwyneth Paltrow’s character contracts a disease at a dinner in Hong Kong. Upon her return to the United States Paltrow begins to feel sick and dies two days later, thus spreading the disease. She was unaware she was infected by one of the meats she ate, but never addressed her symptoms with a physician.

We often ignore early symptoms of the Flu or a temporary cold. We continue to dress as if we are ok while spreading the virus to other human beings. We ony get checked out once we begin to feel “emergency room ill”. Yet we all are guility of telling somebody else when to get checked out. I wish we would take our own advice.

You see if Paltrow had gotten checked out immediately from her trip, the disease would not have spread and Matt Damon’s son would be alive (if you don’t know what I’m talking about — go watch Contagion). So how does this correlate with the tip of day?

Don’t pretend to be fine to strengthen someone else. You can’t help people if you’re sick too! Our Prophet Nathan said something profound during Sunday Morning Service, in order for us to be strong for people we have to lean and depend on our source which is Jesus Christ. Heal yourself before you aide someone else. Disease travels fast and sick people can’t help sick people.

Think about it? A virus doesn’t infect another body with a virus but rather seeks to find a healthy body to infect. Remember the movie World War Z. The virus only attacked healthy humanbeings not people who were already sick. So make sure you are good physically, mentally and spiritually because if you’re not, you’ll do more damage than good.

A lot of illnesses are transported daily through hand to hand contact. Let your connect be a healthy one. Transmit peace, love, happiness and Jesus into someone’s life. When you are grounded and level headed you’re able to see above the water and climb mountains. But if you’re buried sick feet under you only see dirt.

You don’ t have to be perfect but check yourself and make sure you are ok. Take to time to be better so you can be great for someone else.

Tip of the Day: Make Sure, You Are Ok Before You Extend Your Hand To Help. Disease Travels.