What Will Heaven Be?
Water, blue water
Crystal clear water
Trees, green trees
Beautiful long trees
All God’s work
All God’s creation
All his love poured into this nation
Wind, cool wind that breezes the hairs on your skin
Clouds, hills, rocks, and valleys
Each one a story it carries
Fish, lizards, worms, insects, bugs,
Birds, eagles, segulls, doves
All its beauty wrapped in one
This is the creation God made for you and me
To see his glory in the work he made
To see why it took seven days
To know he inspired man to create such wonders
When I step back and look
I am in awe of the beauty that took my breath away
Oceans, seas, rivers, brooks
Mountains and sights that look so good
If this is earth
What will heaven be?
Streets of gold paved with glory
Oh I can’t wait to see
What will heave be.