6 Things Christians Can Be Doing During This Time of Quarantine
I don’t mean to exclude anybody, so if you are not a Christian, please, by all means, keep reading. I want to say that despite what is happening in the world, God is still good. The song says, “He’s got the whole world in His hands” and we are in the good, good hands of Jesus Christ. But, during this time of solace, we still need to do something. We cannot be idle and become couch potatoes. Some of us are working from home and some of us aren’t working at all. Some of us still have to go into our facilities and some of us juggling new working arrangements. But, I want to provide some tips on what Christians and Non-Christians can do during this time.
- Read your bible.
- We have an opportunity to dive deeper into God’s word now that we don’t have to drive or get up early to catch public transportation. Now is the perfect time to read God’s word with little to no distractions. Take this moment to wake up in the morning and read a couple of chapters, meditate on the word of God and feed your spirit man. Don’t waste time drowning yourself in every Netflix series you can think of. Submerge yourself in the word of God, fill your cup and let it overflow. If you’re not saved, now is the opportunity to introduce yourself to the real GOAT (Greatest Of All Time), Jesus Christ. Get to know the Father and give your life to Christ today.
- Pray
- On most days, if we’re being honest, we do the 5-10 second prayer. We want to pray more but don’t have the time. But this moment has opened that door to pray more. After you have read the word pray to your heavenly father. Strengthen your prayer life and relationship with Him. The bible says in Phillippians 4:6 “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” Prayer is our lifeline. Without it, we cannot walk this path straight. It is our way of communicating with God. Pray for what’s currently happening, pray over your life, your family, friends, and job. But also thank Him. Thank Jesus for His blessing, love, peace, for being a healer, and a provider. He did not give us the spirit of fear but of love, power, and a sound mind. Talk to Him and give Him your heart because prayer is powerful.
- Spread your bed and clean up your room/home
- Towards the end of Joshua 24:15, Joshua made a bold statement “but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua stood firm and said his house and the inhabitants in his home are going to serve God. Once we say yes to Christ he now abides with us and anywhere Christ is there is peace, cleanness, and holiness. Therefore, if Christ abides with us we have to ensure our homes are clean. He has to have a place to walk and sit. Our bodies are the temple of the Lord (1 Corinthians 6:19), he abides in us. He is our King and we must treat Him with respect. We wouldn’t invite the Queen of England to a dirty home so don’t invite God to your messy place. Clean it up and do your laundry. I believe I mentioned this in a previous post, but, if our hearts are dirty God cannot dwell. So, if our homes are dirty God cannot dwell. Don’t be lazy during quarantine, spread your bed. Go clean the shelf you’ve been planning to clear since 2014. You have time, clean it so God can dwell.
- Fellowship and connect with Family
- Don’t spend this quarantine alone. Connect with family and friends. Play games, talk about the word and cook together. Be with each other. One of the things this whole pandemic has caused is families being forced to spend time together. When’s the last time we all we’re home together at the same time? When’s the last time we ate dinner together or laughed together? When’s the last time you’ve had face to face communication with a parent or a sibling? Don’t take this time for granted. You have kids? Yes, this might be harder than you anticipated but, use it as bonding time. Get to know the sides you don’t get to see every day because you’re working. Learn about the different phases they are going through and reconnect. Young adults, hang out with your parents. Play board games and watch TV together. Minister to each other with the word of God. Talk about the bible and share Jesus. This is a time where we can come together as a family to have fellowship, love, and Jesus.
- Work on yourself and work on your goals
- This is not the time to become a couch potato. Work on your goals. Work on yourself. You have issues you’ve been avoiding? Give it to God. Work on that website you’ve been pushing off. Have a camera? Do a photoshoot in your room. Make videos, host online seminars, write music, and learn how to play an instrument. Do a side hustle like Uber Eats or start a business that can people during this time. Now is the time to be proactive.
- Worship The King
- The song says when the praises go up the blessing comes down. During our church convention at Faith Worship Center, Inc. our theme was “Alleluia Anyhow.” Alleluia is the highest praise you can give to Jesus. It is the same in every language. We were reminded during our convention that our Alleluia would be tested and tried but we must press through. We have to build our Alleluia with the word of God and because God has shown us too much evidence of what he has done for us. During this time our praise will be tested. But like the songwriter says It ain’t over until God says it over. Don’t lose your praise. Praise God in your house, praise God is your bathroom or your apartment. If you can’t go to church you can watch your ministry on their live stream service. Each day send up the praises to God. At night play your music for the Lord and worship Him. Send up the praises because in our praise there is victory. In our praise there is healing and our God inhabits our praise.
I’ll close with this, 2 Timothy 1:7 says “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” We cannot allow fear to stop us from living. Use wisdom, be cautious and pray. Now is the time to intercede as Christians and call on the Lord who is the lifter of our heads. Don’t let the devil instill fear in your heart. Don’t let Him take away your praise and worship. Alleluia Anyhow and keep on trusting Him. I pray that anyone who is reading this blog and is not saved, I pray you’ll apply these tips to your life. God wants you and God loves you. Be blessed in Jesus Name.