Christians, Let’s Not FORGET TO PRAY:

How we can have an impact during this current climate (racism occurring within America).

Christians, let’s not forget to pray. In these troubling times, when the world is in a spirit of chaos, remember the power of prayer. It is very easy to get sucked into the feelings of despair and loss of hope, but the word of God says to cast all our burdens on Him for he cares for us (Psalm 55:22).

Humans can’t change humans. Only God can change the hearts of man. In these moments, we feel like we should do something. We feel like we should be out there making a difference, and I agree. But there is something more powerful, something greater that can break the chains of the enemy— it’s called prayer. You see, you may not be able to speak eloquently or sing like a bird. You may not be able to captivate an audience or rally troops — but everybody can pray. Everybody can open up their mouths and call on the name of the Lord, who is our refuge.

Christians do not underestimate the power of prayer. Do not get enthralled in your emotions that you let go of the lifeline that brought you where you are today.

Racism cannot be defeated just in the natural — it is spiritual. Remember, ” For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). This is spiritual warfare, and we must attack it as such. Put on the whole armor, the breastplate of righteous and fight in the spirit. Fight using prayer. Get on your knees and call God like you’ve never called Him before. Ask for His direction. Ask for his divine intervene. Ask Him for the words to say when you open your mouth to speak.

The bible says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction (Proverbs 1:7). We need God’s love, his eyes, and his understanding so we may see and see again.

So if you want to march, march and pray. You don’t want to march, still pray. If you want to cry, cry, and pray. If you want to go on social media to express how you feel — express your emotions and pray. If you want to talk about it among your family and friends, say your piece and then go pray. Pray for this nation, pray for your people, and pray for God to destroy the forces of the enemy who seeks to destroy us.

Remember Christians; we are the salt of the earth. Let’s do our part and call upon heaven. Let’s fight in the spirit for our nation. Let’s come together in unity and trample over the enemy’s plan.

Christians, let us not fall captivated to our flesh but cling to the rock of our salvation and don’t stop praying. Pray without ceasing. Pray because this world needs it.

Christians, Let’s Not FORGET TO PRAY: