Clean up Your Feed
Be the change you want to see.
Our feed can be distractions just like the people we surround ourself with in our everyday life.Our social feeds are just as important as the influence we experience in human to human contact. But we don’t treat our feeds way we should. Think about it.
Research shows on average humanbeings check their social media more than twice a day. Some of us even have a set schedule on when to post and scroll through our feed. To be honest, some of us our addicted. So, if we are checking our feed for a good portion of our day, why aren’t we making sure the accounts we follow add value to our life?
I think of my social media as a live mood board. A living and breathing changing creation that continues to expand my mind to new horizons. The content I follow empowers me, inspires me and challenges me to learn and try new things.
Instead of enviving the girl or boy who has the “cool” life or wondering why your life is so boring and everyone is “living their best life”. Instead of trying to look like a Instagram baddie or making sure you get over 100 likes from people who wouldn’t want to talk to you in public, you should Clean up that feed. Eliminate things that add no value. Every month I take a cenus of accounts I follow that add no value to my life becasue what I see in some ways affects how I view some parts of my life and the world.
Surround yourself with things that are going to excel, empower and embrace the you are working to be. Clean up that feed and get rid of content that causes mental depression and sadness. Step into laughter!
Take this weekend to start anew and finish the year in a positive direction.Take out the trash for once and spray that febreeze in your social media feed.