If God Didn’t Give You a Word, Don’t Make One Up

I sat here thinking on Tuesday night, what should my blog post be? I wanted it to be something impactful. Something you as the reader can apply to your life. But sadly, I got nothing. I had an idea, but I feel pressed upon my heart to discuss that on Friday. I was about ready to give up on this blog post when God dropped something in my spirit. If I don’t have a word for you– don’t make one up.

I instantly began to smile. God is and always correct. Here I am trying to conjure something out of thin air so that I would have something to post. But thank God for Jesus. He put a check in my spirit to remind me that He is the inspiration for this blog. He is the author, editor, manager, and everything in between.

Friends, let us remember to let God lead. If you don’t have anything to say — say nothing. You don’t have to be ashamed. If God did not give you a word, remain silent. The scripture says to wait on the lord and be of good courage (Psalm 27:14), wait on Jesus to inspire you. Remember, He is all-knowing. He sees before we see. He knows before we know.

Let’s not make things up to please the masses. Everything we do is to bring glory and honor to Jesus Christ. Don’t feel pressured to make up a “word” let God speak and ask Him to use you as an instrument.

This is my encouragement. I don’t have much to say. I pray your day will be blessed and filled with God’s love. I pray that you are able to take something away from this message.

Blessing and Prosperity.

If God Didn’t Give You a Word, Don’t Make One Up