Monday Morning: What’s Next

This is not going to be your typical Monday morning. You’ll wake up thinking you’ve been dreaming waiting for someone to jump out and say, “You’ve been punked!” But this is reality. We’re locked in and can barely leave the four walls we’ve been in for the past few days. But don’t dwell on the negative, think on the positive.

We were encouraged and uplifted by this week’s message on Sunday Morning; Use your playbook. Our playbook is the word of God. Our playbook is our faith. It is the foundations we built before hell slammed our front doors. We must exercise our faith and dig deep down in God. Think about it? It’s Monday morning and it is well. You have your legs and you’re still breathing. Where is your faith? Who is your God?

He’s the one that allowed the Israelites to escape the Egyptians. He’s the same God who caused the walls of Jericho to fall. He’s the same God who delivered David out of the hand of King Saul. He is BIGGER than all our problems. Christians WE WILL OVERCOME! If we stop worrying and start praying God will work wonders. We have to build our Alleluia and stand firm on the solid rock. Psalm 23 reminds us that the Lord will never forsake us. He will be our rod and our staff. Deuteronomy 31 says to be of good courage and do not fear. Do not be afraid.

So on this blessed Monday Morning, the first Monday of Spring, open up in prayer. Read the word and declare blessing over your life, over your family’s life, over every Christian. Walk around your house and declare the word of God. If you have children, start family prayer or a family bible study. Begin to reignite the flame and rejoice! We are covered, we are protected, we are God’s children, and I have never seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging bread.

Be encouraged in Jesus Name.

Monday Morning: What’s Next