We Will Win

How to Overcome our Temptations in God.

My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.

Proverbs 1:10 King James Bible

I was encouraged by my Pastor’s Wednesday night bible study as we dived more in-depth into Proverbs. When we hit Proverbs 4:10, the scripture says, “My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.” That’s when our Pastor said, ” When you get saved, things still entice you.”

As young people, sometimes we have the misconception that being a Christian means we live a life free of______ (blank). But, we’re wrong. Along our Christian journey, we will be tested and tried just like Job, David, and John the Baptist. But the difference is we’re not alone. We don’t have to face our issues and bear our pain by ourself —- we have a father who can, and his name is Jesus.

We need to be conscious that battles will come, but we got God. Storms will blow, but we have God. When they try to kill us– they can take this flesh, but they can’t take Jesus.

When these sinful pleasures infiltrate our minds, and we contemplate whether to give in to our flesh, we have to remember what the Bible says; do not consent. James 4:7 says, “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

As Christians, we have to fight for our salvation. Fight for life. We have to be persistent and determined like the woman with the of issue of blood or like Jacob when he wrestled with the angel. We have to fight.

Is it going to be easy? No, but we have God. To smoke or not smoke? You have Jesus. Call on His name and He will hear you. Speak the word over your life.

Because we can and we will win.

We Will Win