Hidden Treasures
6 am on a Saturday morning and I question why I volunteered for this job. Sitting on the bed wishing myself back to sleep with my alarm ringing like a siren, I contemplated not showing up at all. But I got up, got dressed and caught my train so I would be in the city by 8 am.
The city can be so peaceful in the wee hours of the mornings. You notice resturants and parks you never noticed when the hustle and bustle is heightened. You find hidden treasures in the nooks and craneys waiting to be noticed by a wanderer looking for a home.
I found my hidden treasure at Chelsea Market, a place called Sarabeth’s.
I arrived 3 minutes to 8 where I was told I was too early to enter the event space. Upset and angry because I woke up early on a Saturday and two because I left without eating breakfast, I wandered throughout Chelsea Market until I saw Sarabeth’s breakfast and lunch resturant. The asthetic of the resturant drew me. I could see right into the kitchen where the cooks were preparing the meals for the day. I saw omelets being flipped, midday sandwiches being prepped, and fruit being peeled. I thought about just getting a little muffin and tea but I couldn’t resist those waffles. Hot and soft churro waffles with maple syrup, dulce de leche creme, and grapefruit. I savored every bite. With so much sugar I thought it would be so sweet but it was balanced.
Close your eyes and imagine with me. Lightly sprinkled churro waffles with a maple syrup drizzle. Cut your waffle and dip it into the dulce de leche cream. Chew and add in the grapefruit. You get this soft and semi-sweet taste with a burst of freshness and tangyness from the grapefruit.
Being up so early was forgiven thanks to Sarabeth’s bakery. Thank you for a wonderful breakast!