Faith Over Fear

The definition of faith is to have complete confidence and trust in someone or something. It is to believe unequivocally that a person or thing will come through for you. As children, our faith is in our parents. As teenagers, it can be in friends, teachers, and peers. It can be in our cars, careers, in science or things tangible that we can see. As Christians, our faith is in God. Ephesians 3:20 says, “Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” We believe that scripture because we have faith in God.

Right now, our faith is being tested. Fear has found a foothold in our hearts. We are walking by sight and not by faith. We say we believe with our mouth but not with our hearts. In this current climate, we let the symptoms of fear and self-doubt erupt like a wildfire in our minds. And as much as want to believe that we are walking in faith, we’re having a hard time silencing inner sound that keeps saying DON’T DO IT.

So what can we do? We need to build over faith. Our faith has to be stronger than our fear. Our faith has to override the fear that is trying to take us over. You see, fear is a real emotion. It is a natural feeling. It is not that we cannot be fearful, but we cannot allow fear to stop us from living. We cannot allow fear to stop us from doing what we have to do for God. We cannot let fear stop us from achieving our goals because, as Pastor Nathan said, “Fear comes and goes, but God is here forever.”

Our faith in God needs to be like a tree planted by the rivers of water. Our faith has to planted on a rock that cannot be moved. But how can we build our faith? By speaking the word over our life. By opening the word of God and saying Lord, you did it for your son David and Moses, God; you can do it for me. I may be scared, but I will keep my eye on and walk on water to.

We can look to the hills from whence cometh our help because our help comes from Jesus Christ (Psalm 121). The scripture says that when I pass through the waters, He (meaning Jesus) will be with me. The waters will not overtake me (Isaiah 43:2). Jeremiah 17:7 says, “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord.” When the plagues troubled the Eqyptians, the children of Israel were not affected. When the spirit of the Lord came down and smote the first child of Eqyptians, the children of Israel were not affected because when the Lord saw the blood, He passed over them (Exodus 12:13).

So, build your faith. Build your hallelujah because faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not yet seen (Hebrews 11:1). Even though we can’t see it, God has turned things in our favor. Believe. Have faith and trust God.

Faith Over Fear