Seasons Change
It's Time to Lace up Your Fall Boots!
When fall comes around, it’s kind of that bittersweet moment. You’re happy to jump into your boots and put on your fall thermals but, it means the ending of summer—no more beach weather and sunbathing in the sun. You can forget long days and excursions with nothing but your purse and sunglasses. BBQs and summer salads are just a few things summer granted; Ah, summer, I’ll be missing you.
But like the scripture says in Ecclesiastes 3:1 KJV, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” There is a time and a place for everything, and like the weather, things must change. Yes, it would be nice if summer could last all year round, but change is good. (Ecclesiastes 3:1 King James Version)
Think about it?
Every three months (depending on where you live), we usher in a new season. From fall to winter, from spring to summer, each adding something to the year. While in the summertime, you fly to tropical islands and spend long days on the sand, in the fall, you can go apple picking. You can spend the day at a corn maze or attend a fall festival. The holiday season starts in the fall, which to me, is one of the best times of the year.
Then comes winter with the brisk cold and ice. There is ice skating, snowboarding, and winter cabins ready for guests. You can make homemade hot chocolate and snuggle up with friends. Chestnuts roasting by the fire and Christmas movies on 24/7; in winter, there is a blessing.
Spring comes in with beautiful flowers and the cool breeze. And although some of us will be sneezing, there is a reminder the summer is coming. Spring comes in all its glory with strawberry picking and outdoor picnics. Spring starts the story of never-ending summer adventures.
So remember, there is a time for everything. Welcome each change with open arms. Ask yourself, God, what will you have me to do this season? God, what work will you have me do? The scripture reminds us in Ecclesiastes 3 that this is a time for everything, so let us use our time wisely. Let not our labor be in vain. With each new season, walk-in with a purpose to accomplish what God has set before you.
Yes, seasons change, but the beauty in it all is God remains.