Submit and Surrender

This Christian journey is comfortable to love when we surrender and submit.

Let me preface this by saying that we were born in sin, and as Paul says that when I want to do good, evil presents itself (Romans 7:19-21). Because of the fall of man, our nature finds it easy to do evil than to do good. Our flesh wants whatever will ever satisfy him. But what allowed Job to be the only man in the Bible to have a sinless record or Paul who we all revere and look up to pen the words “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith (2 TTimothy4:7)?”

How can we, as Christians, make this journey that much sweeter? By submitting and surrendering.

When we read the Bible, disobedience is a massive cause the children of Israel, prophets, and apóstoles experience hardship. We see this when the children of Israel stored food after God gave specific instructions to gather food for one day (Exodus 16). Another example would be when the angel of the Lord told Lot and his family not to look back. Lot’s wife looked back while the city was being destroyed, and she turned to a pillar of salt (Genesis 19:26). 

The spirit of disobedience stops us every time in our Christian journey. We refuse to surrender and submit to God. The scriptures in James 4:7 to submit yourself to the Lord. We must resist the enemy because he seeks to devour us. We must cleave to God and walk in His ways. 

If we are God’s chosen people, we must trust him. We say God knows everything, but we do not act like God knows everything. We allow our flesh to raise its ugly head and make our emotions take over. We cannot quote Psalm 121 and still walk away doing what we want to do.

When we submit like Daniel and David, then the blessings that God has promised us pours out and overflows us. Don’t let disobedience hinder you from entering into heaven. Humble yourself, listen to God, trust, and believe his word, for he will guide us even unto the end.

Submit and Surrender