Get Right With God
Getting Serious About God in 2021
It’s a shame what I see happening today in Christendom. I hear so many stories about Pastor’s quitting, leaving their calling behind. There are scandals, immortality, stealing, and confusion filling the doors of ministries all around the world. Let me preface and say, I AM NOT PERFECT! I mess up every day and ask God for forgiveness daily, but it breaks my heart to see what’s happening. When you know the father, and you’ve experienced the experience, you KNOW that is NOT what church is supposed to be.
When we say yes to Jesus, we become ambassadors for Christ. As Christians, we represent Christ, and most of the time, we’re the first point of contact to a sinner. They came to church because a brother or a sister in Christ invited them. Therefore we have to take our job seriously!
Young people, brothers and sisters, look around you. Jesus is coming. He is coming very soon, so get right with God. There is no time to play games and decide that you’ll be a Christian for the first half of the year and become a heathen for the second half. It’s either God or the Devil. The Bible reminds us in Matthew 6:24 that, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon,” meaning we can’t have one foot with God and the other foot in the world. (Matthew 6:24 KJV)
If you’re going to serve God, then serve God. If you’re going to serve the Devil, then serve the Devil. But you can’t keep playing hopscotch with Jesus. He has been too good to us.
Get right with God. Take your Christian walk in 2021 seriously because all we have is Jesus. Develop a relationship with Him and read the Bible for yourself. Let the word of God minister to your spirit and watch how the Holy Spirit reveals things to you.
Christians, get right with God.
The Bible warned us that perilous times would come, and men will be lovers of themselves in the last days. The Bible warned us that children would be disobedient to their parents; men would be unthankful, boasters blasphemers, lovers of pleasures more than God. So when we see these things happening, we must look up to Heaven because our redemption draweth nigh. (2 Timothy 3:1-3 and Luke 21:28 KJV)
So we got to get right with God, so when he comes, we will be ready.
It’s a New Year and an opportunity for you and me to recommit back to God. A New Year allows us to assess our relationship with Jesus and see where we can improve. It’s an opportunity for us to say, “Ok God, I grew here, but now I want to succeed here. ” A New Year allows us to reevaluate where we are spiritually and where we want to go in God. After the assessment, we then prepare ourselves for the sacrifice required to achieve the next level.
There is no time to play games, Christians. Jesus asked Peter if He loved him, and Peter said, “yes, I love you, Lord.” Then Jesus said to Him, ” Feed my sheep.” If we love Jesus like we say we do, let’s feed His sheep and let’s live for Him with all our heart. Are we going to make mistakes? Of course. Are we going to sin and falter sometimes? Yes, we will. But it’s the heart that matters. When you approach God with a sincere heart and burning desire to live for Him, you’ll be like Job standing firm on your foundation. (John 21: 15-17 KJV)
Get right with God. Please don’t wait until it’s too late. If you’re not saved and want to give your life to Christ, there is still time. All you have to do is believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Believe that He came to die on the cross for you and that He is Lord of your life. Repent and confess your sins and ask Him to forgive you.
Get right with God for 2021 and be ready when Jesus comes.