Trust in God: Believe It!
Trust. What does it really mean? According to, trust means “reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.” You have confidence in someone or something. Trust– it is something we all search for and something we believe, we all possess.
Do you really trust God? That is the question I ask myself in the silence. In this season of confusion and panic, your trust may wavier. But, I cling to the rock of my salvation. We were reminded on Sunday to allow God to be our shepherd. Psalm 23 says, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” This verse is a declaration that God is our protector, guide, caretaker, and more. Yes, I trust Him because, in the valley of the shadow of death, I won’t fear. After all, He is with me.
So, I am learning to trust God, not just surface-level trust, but real confidence. I don’t just say I trust God, but I believe it with all my heart. I believe it with every fiber of my being. Before, I said I trusted God, but I limited God to what I believed I was capable of. I felt like I could only achieve certain things because of the fears I told myself. I lacked belief in myself to accomplish the goals set out before me. But, quarantine has allowed me to pick up myself and dive deeper into the word of God. I have had the opportunity to re-charge and re-connect back to the Father. He has spoken to me in many ways, and I feel confident. I trust God. I trust Jesus!
There is nothing else. Nothing in this world matters more than Jesus. When I read the word, and I see what God did for David, Joshua, Elijah, Paul, and others, I remind myself that GOD IS A BIG GOD. Don’t limit God to the box you’re still stuck in. Exit stage left and walk into the enormous dining hall you’ve been missing.
Don’t say words without meaning. Trust– yes— believe it – I trust God.