This Is The Day The Lord Has Made
I woke up this morning
I opened my eyes
And I realized that I am alive
I sat up in my bed
I touched my feet
I touched my head
I know there is a God who protected me while I slept
I walked in my bathroom
I brushed my teeth
I walked into my kitchen
And I made something to eat
It seems so small
It seems mundane
But I’m alive
I give God praise
I went to work
I went through my day
I called my friends
I called my family
And at the end of night
I lay in my bed
and I thank God
That I am still here
"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24 KJV
Psalm 118:24 KJV
Stacyann Nathan