Real Talk: Focus on Living for God
Why God Matters More?
We’re living in the LAST DAYS. Let me say that again —- we’re living in the LAST DAYS. Many are still looking for the last days, but honey, it’s here. Now more than ever, my heart and mind are sold out for Jesus. Why? Because what do I have but God.
Living for God is more important than anything, and you shouldn’t let anyone or anything stop you from reaching heaven’s gate. We live in a world where there is always something to do. Sometimes, as Christians, we focus on worldly pleasures like getting a house, a new job, marriage, traveling, etc… While those things are good to work toward (and we should work towards them), we cannot be tied to them.
What do I mean? Let me explain.
When Job lost everything, he said in Job 1:21b, “the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord’ meaning whether I am rich or poor, God is still good. Whether I can buy a home in this life or visit every place on my bucket list, God is still good. Whether I get married or find the best make-up brand known to man, God is still good. Whether I meet my favorite artist or get to pay off all my debt (student loans are a killer), my God is still a good God because, even when I lose everything because I have God, I have everything.
Sharing my testimony
I remember when I didn’t have a job. I was in my first year as a Master’s student. The plan (funny how these things sometimes don’t work out) was to have a job while completing my master’s program. I just graduated as an undergrad, and I wanted to work. I applied for different jobs, and I wasn’t getting any responses. When I did receive a response, no one wanted to hire me because I was still in college. I waited until my second year to reignited the wheel and applied to more jobs. However, I ran into the same problems— no callbacks, no responses, or didn’t want a person in the university.
Even though I completed more than three internships at reputable communications companies, I participated in more than five clubs on-campus, including our radio station, which covered a professional hockey team; it wasn’t enough, and finally, I gave up. I felt like a failure. In my mind, I did everything right. I worked hard, took more classes a semester, did more than 3 internships, prayed, and sought God. What else could I have done!
But, one day, I was driving in my car. I felt so low (I got the snaps to prove it) because life wasn’t going the way I planned. A song by MercyMe entitled “Even if” came on, and the lyrics said, “I know You’re able and I know You can. Save through the fire with Your mighty hand. But even if You don’t. My hope is You alone.” It was that last line that stuck with me, “Even if You don’t. My Hope is You Alone.” I felt God speaking to me and telling me to let it go and trust Him. He was saying, let go and just put your 100 % faith in me. I had to realize that even if God never gave me a job and all the dreams and aspirations attached to that job never came true, that I will still trust Him. My life couldn’t be wrapped in those things; it needed to be wrapped up in God. When I let it go a few months later, I was working a full-time job. HALLELUJAH!
What’s my point?
Living God must be more important than the very thing you love the most. It must be more important than the air you breathe because when the tribulation comes, you’ll be able to stand.
Live for God and fight for salvation. Remember, our reward is not down here; it’s in heaven.