Stay Consistent, PERIOD: How to Stay Consistent.

How do you stay consistent? That’s the million-dollar question we all ask ourselves at some point in the day. We scroll through our feed and see the success stories of athletes to local businesses, singers, and college students who just graduated with their illustrious degrees. Sitting in our seats, we wonder, how do they do it? What’s the formula for success? How can I gain 1 Million followers in one year? 

Well, there isn’t any real formula. There’s no one size fits all. But, you can implement certain habits and tips in your everyday life to push you closer to your goal. 


5 Suggestions on How to be Consistently Consistent 


  1. Real Talk: Make a decision. 
    1. Friend, you is LAZY! You spend more time dreaming about your dreams than actually bringing your dreams to life. You tell everybody how talented you are, only to still be at the same spot they left you over five years ago. Make a decision and stick with it. How bad do you want it? Is what you’re pursuing your passion, or are you doing it for the money, love of people, and other materialistic things that don’t matter. There’s a reason why we have bad doctors; they’re in it for the money. Why are you pursuing your dream? You have to make a decision to pursue your dream and stay consistent with it. Be honest with yourself and analyze your strengths and weaknesses. Whenever you, not nobody else but you, decide to do this FORREAL, then you’ve completed the first step in your journey. 
  2. Real Talk: Create a plan 
    1. MJ didn’t become MJ overnight. King James didn’t become the current GOAT last month; you have to make a plan. Now that you’ve made a decision, you have to figure out the next steps. How will you execute this? What needs to be accomplished by what timed? What do you need to accomplish your goal, and based on the number of hours in the day, how much time can you dedicate to your goal. You might have a full-time or part-job, plus personal and family responsibilities; time management is going to be huge. Ironing out what you need to do will help in staying consistent because now you see the vision. Remember, timelines can change; they’re not set in stone. However, having an overview allows you to work efficiently toward your dream. 
  3. Real Talk: Make necessary sacrifices/no excuses 
    1. If you want to stay consistent, you’re gonna have to make some tough choices. Buy food or eat cereal for dinner. Purchase a new dress or invest that money into my business. Go out with friends or work on my goal. Many times we don’t want to make the necessary sacrifices. We consistently choose play over work and then feel overwhelmed because we’re trying to cram things in. Work first, play after. Can you have your cheat days? Of course! But don’t make it a habit. Stay on the grind by staying consistent. 
  4. Real Talk: Hold yourself accountable; you are responsible
    1. This is your dream; make it mean something. When you miss a deadline or go MIA on your goal, don’t blame anybody but yourself. Are there emergencies? Yes, there will always be foreseen challenges and circumstances like a parent falling ill, losing your job, having a personal breakdown, but we’re talking about blatant disrespect to yourself. Missing deadlines because you feel unmotivated and want to binge the latest show on Netflix. You are responsible for your actions and your decisions. Get mad at yourself and talk to yourself. Whenever I miss a deadline, I get mad at myself. I analyze what I did wrong and where I can improve and then, I try again. I don’t give up. I’m honest with myself to take the blame for my mistakes and wrongdoings. I dust myself off and try again.
  5. Real Talk: Fail Fast, but keep trying 
    1. There’s a phrase we use in business, “Fail fast.” It means making mistakes and learning from them, so as you continue to grow, you’ll be stronger. “Fail fast” is the idea to learn from failure while working toward your goals. Fail now while your goal is still at the baby stage. Fail, but learn from your mistakes and keep on trying. Never give up. You wanna stay consistent? DON’T GIVE UP. Keep trying over and over again. Plan, fail, learn, and get better. 

It’s not easy to stay consistent, but you’ll regret it 10 years from now when you realized how much of your talent you’ve wasted. This is not about being an entrepreneur or continuing a 9-5. This is about staying consistent on whatever goal or dream you’re trying to accomplish. Whether it be starting a business, moving to a different position, or learning a new skill. Whether it be preparing to be new parents or getting a car, staying consistent helps push the needle further. 

Remember to always believe in yourself. Be your biggest cheerleader. As a woman of God, you know I’m going to say PRAY and TRUST GOD. He’s got your back 100 %. Never give up and keep grinding. It will pay off one day soon. 

Stay Consistent, PERIOD: How to Stay Consistent.