I am a Christian and I Don’t Believe in New Year’s Resolutions
Why you Shouldn't Make a Resolution For 2021
Who still holds themselves to New Year’s Resolutions? As a teenager, I remember my New Year’s Resolutions every year would be “new year, new me.” Haha, those were the days. Looking back now, it was stupid because I didn’t change at all. I might have worn a different outfit or changed my hairstyle, but my personality remained the same. Yet, every year I wasted my time compiling a New Year’s resolution.
After a while, I realized how pointless they were, and I’m going to share why. I am approaching this from a Christian perspective because it’s who I am, and I want to provide a different viewpoint in looking at the fruitlessness of New Year’s Resolutions.
Two Reasons Why I Don't Make New Year's Resolutions
1.In whom do you trust? In whom do you believe? Many people make resolutions at the beginning of the year and never hold to them by the time we reach April. From committing to the gym or saving more money, it all falls apart by April, maybe earlier. We’re only doing it because it’s a new year. Once January passes, the excitement of the new year fades with it, and we all revert to our regular hab
As a Christian, my life is in God’s hands, and I don’t worry; God’s got me. Listen, at any moment within the year, if I really wanted to, I can make a change. It doesn’t have to be made or actioned upon in the new year; I can do it whenever I feel like it. Not only do I have to power to put into motion a change in my life, but I also serve a God who can snap His fingers and the winds cease. I serve a God who hears and answers prayer. I serve a God who already told me of the blessings and riches He has for me. Jesus already told me my reward in Matthew 6:33, Proverbs 3, Galatians 3, and more. I know my reward, so I don’t need a resolution; my resolution is for God I live, and for God, I die.
2. What’s the purpose behind the resolution, and are we willing to sacrifice what is necessary to achieve it? As I said before, many of us make the resolutions because it’s the new year. Some of us make resolutions because we want to be apart of the gravy train in making resolutions we have no intention of keeping. Many times there is no purpose behind the resolution, and we’re not willing to make the necessary sacrifice to see it succeed. I love the gym resolutions because after signing up for the gym and going a few times, we begin to come up with reasons why we can’t go to the gym, knowing good and well we just don’t want to go.
I’ve realized you have to be at the place where you want something so bad and are willing to do anything to get it. Many people who stick with their weight loss journey succeed because they become desperate. They are tired and don’t want to live like that anymore. When someone becomes a top influencer, they were determined and desperate. This type of desperateness is a strong and intense desire within you that says, ” I want this! I will fight for this! I will work hard for this!” Everything you do is because you want to reach this level. And now it isn’t a resolution, but it’s a goal. You see, most resolutions aren’t goals. They are meaningless sentences on pieces of paper that you forget about quickly, but goals are something that you hold to. Goals are something that becomes tangible because you work on them day and night. But it only succeeds when you’re willing to make the sacrifice.
Goals are what I put before God. I put my plans and dreams to God and tell God what I want, and then I ask Him for His will to be done. I ask God that if what I am asking for something that is not in His will, open my eyes to see.
I can share more points, but I’ll leave you with these two. My faith is in God. He is who I trust and believe. I don’t need the new year to make me realize that I need to go to the gym. I’ve known that for months, and I passed it by every day, saying tomorrow. The only thing the new year allows me to do is to assess myself and remind me that time is important.
I believe God and know his thoughts towards me are of good and not of evil to give me an expected end. As long as I believe and trust in Him, what He has promised me, He will do any time and at any moment. So get rid of your resolution and start making God your only source of strength. (Jeremiah 29:11 KJV).